Will Smith.
They should have chucked him out there and then and given his Oscar to one of the other nominees. What's even more vomit-inducing is that when Chris Rock made his joke, Will Smith initially laughed along. If his wife doesn't appreciate alopecia jokes, that's hair loss not mine.
Nobody goes to ASDA to buy Waitrose products. TESCO also have a line called Tesco Essentials.
Vlad Putin
I happened to have the telly on when Biden did his speech. It was everything short of a declaration of war. Clearly, Biden - along with half the civilised world - would vastly prefer it if Putin disappeared or were disappeared, by fair means or foul, and he said so. Mad Vlad apparently got all offended and various White House spokespersons (and sadly Big Joe himself) have been backtracking ever since. (Trump would have just said it and then denied that he'd said it. And we would have all moved on with our lives, unsure of what Trump actually meant, but not particularly caring).
Sod that. Mad Vlad has made it perfectly clear that he'd like to get rid of Zelensky and appoint his own puppet President in Ukraine like he did until 2014. Did Zelensky throw a hissy fit and demand an apology? Nope, what would be the point? He's too busy persuading the West to send military and humanitarian aid. If Mad Vlad said that he'd prefer it if Donald Trump were still US President, would Biden throw a hissy fit and demand an apology? I doubt it. He wouldn't get one, for a start.
Tuesday, 29 March 2022
Humourless twats of the week
My latest blogpost: Humourless twats of the weekTweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, waitrose, Will Smith
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I'm not convinced by the Will Smith incident. It may not have been directly planned, but the Oscars has been losing viewers in recent years, and Hollywood has been criticised for being too "woke" and feminised. The three of them (Will Smith, his wife and Rock) will be well aware that "there is no such thing as bad publicity", and that the viewing public has become very good at detecting staged incidents.
"Mad Vlad apparently got all offended and various White House spokespersons (and sadly Big Joe himself) have been backtracking ever since."
Sez who? The way I read it was that Sleepy Joe retracted what he said off his own bat. I very much doubt that Putin's reaction made the slightest bit of difference. Since when has the US president ever taken any notice of what any other world leader says? Far more likely that someone in the US thought that Biden had gone too far and told him so. I'm not sure it shows a lack of sense of humour getting peeved when someone threatens to off you, anyway. It's not as if the US doesn't have previous in this respect, either.
Glad you agree that Zelensky's a puppet, though.
We have a Waitrose in a village a few mies away, and it is opposite a Tesco Metro.
I sometimes use Tesco for basics, and Waitrose for alternatives, and when I do, they print me off a voucher woth 10% off if I spend over £40.00, so they eventually charge exactly the same as Tesco!
Quite good marketing, but the girls in Tesco are gorgeous, and anyway, I hardly ever spend more than forty quid in either place...
Apropos Will Smith, if, as you say, he initially laughed at the joke, it sounds like it was all a put-up job, unless Will is so slow that it took some time to sink in what he had heard. The first I heard of this was a report basically saying that Chris Rock deserved it as he was an arsehole.
RT, it does seem a bit odd. Some people reckon it was staged, maybe it was. But I'm taking it at face value.
B, a few minutes later: "The Kremlin says Putin is a democratically elected leader and that it is for the Russian people, not Washington, to decide who leads their country."
That is Putin being all offended.
Sc, you're doing the right thing, stick with Tesco.
B, yes, Will Smith might be slow on the uptake. Of course Chris Rock offends people, he's a comedian and that's his job. I judge the funniness of a joke by how funny it is, not how offensive it is - see also Prince Philip.
"That is Putin being all offended"
Offended? I think if someone threatened to put me out of a job on prime time TV, I'd be a bit more offended than that. I'd probably extend them in invitation to combine travel with pleasure and so would most people. What was the Kremlin's response supposed to be? Do you really think Biden was making a joke and Old Vlad didn't get it? Usually, when they say someone should be removed from their position as head of state, they've got a little bit of regime change planned.
B, after that, 'the Kremlin' called Big Joe senile, unfit for office etc. Did he throw a hissy fit of his own? Nope. He's a politician, water off a duck's back.
The signified response would have been to ignore it. Whether Putin stays in power is entirely up to him, getting out of Ukraine would be a very good start.
"'the Kremlin' called Big Joe senile, unfit for office etc."
That's hardly original, there were people saying that in the US barely minutes after the man had been elected. It still doesn't make either the Kremlin's response a "hissy fit", nor Biden's original remarks a joke, so there is no loss of sense of humour here. For all I know, Putin might be somewhat lacking in the sense of humour department, but a slightly pissed-off reply to a non-humorous remark made ex-cathedra by another head of state is no evidence of it.
I wonder if Saddam Hussein or Col Gaddafi ignored the US in a dignified manner when they were told their countries would be better off without them in charge.
B, the USA/the West openly told Hussein and Ghadaffi that they were going to invade and depose them.
They took with good humour.
Instead of demanding an apology, they said something along the lines of "You infidels do not understand our country! If your corrupt Western boots touch one square inch of our precious soil, they will be crushed like spiders at the airport! Long live the Revolution!!"
Then hung on in their own country as long as possible and died like men. That's how dictators with a bit of self-respect do things.
Yeah, but they're still dead and Putin isn't. One up to Putin, I'd say. Getting yourself killed is the ultimate admission of defeat.
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