Sunday 23 August 2020

The 15-75-90 right angle triangle

My daughter knows the relative side lengths of 45-45-90 and 30-60-90 triangles (they are right angle triangles because there's a 90) off by heart (she needs them for maths competitions) and laughs at me when I forget them.

I stumbled across the 15-75-90 triangle by accident a couple of weeks ago and it had fairly easy-to-remember side lengths. But I couldn't remember what they were, how I did it or find my scribbled workings, so I Binged it (this is like 'Googling' something, but using Bing) and found an explanation at Robert Loves Pi.

That all seems a bit long-winded to me, so here is the shorter version:

1. Draw an equilateral triangle.

2. Draw an isosceles triangle with interior angles 30-75-75.

3. Divide the equilateral triangle vertically to give you a 30-60-90 triangle. The (relative) side lengths of the base B and hypotenuse A are 1 and 2, so the vertical C is √3. Colour this pale blue.

4. Put the pale blue 30-60-90 triangle on top of the isosceles triangle. Then do the numbers. The angle at the bottom left is still 75°. The angle at the bottom right is 75° - 60° = 15°. The base of the smaller triangle (side D) is 2-√3 (side A minus side C) and the other known side (side B) is 1. Add the squares of those two and take the square root of the answer, which simplifies down to 2√(2- √3)*.

Click to enlarge:

* Jason Tyler in the comments at Robert Loves Pi says "If you don’t like nested radicals, you can express 2√(2-√3) as √6 – √2"
How did he do this?
Start again with the sum of the squares of 1 and 2-√3
= 8 - 4√3.
= 6 - 4√3 + 2
= 6 - 2√12 + 2
Remember that √12 = √6 x √2...
= (√6 - √2)(√6 - √2)
so the square root of '8 - 4√3' = √6 - √2.

This is a neat trick, but only seems to work in some circumstances, where you can put the first expression into the form 'A +/- 2√AB + B'.


Lola said...

Another 'neat trick' is knowing that a triangle with the sides in the ratio 3:4:5 gives a right angle between the 3 and the 4 length sides. very useful for setting out in construction.

Mark Wadsworth said...

L, my favourite is the 20-21-29 right angle triangle.

Lola said...

MW. When you're on site, it is easiest for a labourer to remember 3:4:5...

Mark Wadsworth said...

L, more to the point, 3-4-5 has more margin for error. I just like 20-21-29, despite it being totally impractical.

Lola said...

MW. The ratio is 3:4:5. Not the actual lengths you measure when setting out. You might use 3m x 4m x 5m. Quite easy with a tape and gets you easily within 3mm, usually better with care.

Mark Wadsworth said...

L, yes, it's the ratio, not absolute length. All the 'lengths' mentioned in the post are relative lengths.

Physiocrat said...

15-75-90 is 1-5-6. 1+25 is not 36. The expression is an approximation, though. The square root of the square of the two shorter sides is 76.5

Mark Wadsworth said...

Phys, 15-75-90 refers to degrees, not side length.