From The Daily Mail:
The Cabinet is divided between 'hawks' and 'doves' over whether to push to ease the lockdown soon, with some saying the public is obeying social distancing too well and must be urged to keep working where possible.
But concerns have been raised that it is impossible to lift the curbs at the moment anyway because the public is so strongly in favour of them staying in place, and would simply refuse to go back to normal.
You do notice that. Some people wear face masks and step into the middle of the road rather than cross you on the pavement; other people just aren't fussed.
I'm genuinely not too fussed, but I do step aside out of politeness, just in case that person is in the 'panic' category.
Should Have Stayed In The Working Men’s Clubs Then
30 minutes ago
But if "the public is so strongly in favour of them staying in place, and would simply refuse to go back to normal", then lifting the curbs would make little difference then, would it?
... wouldn't it?
VFTS, exactly. Some want to jump the gun, others will refuse to accept it was fired.
If they lift the curbs and people refuse to go back to work citing 'elfnsafety then they can just take unpaid leave. Their choice.
Quietly accepting the natural order or quietly accepting the new one. We did not get this far to give in now. It will all continue, but you may have a hand in helping it. You do not matter, but youmight change it all.sup to you, really this time it is.)
Brilliant by VftS - if after all we allow garden centres, primary schools and outdoor gatherings of up to 500 to resume, no-one is forcing you to attend them. ( Primary schools excepted perhaps ).
And after visiting such a place of joy in these time you want to give it 14 days before calling on gramps, there's no law to stop you.
Sh, that's all part of the YPP masterplan. Most businesses won't be able to start off again 100% so if there are a few wimps, that makes it all easier.
AC, correct. Take responsibility for yourself and take the consequences.
Off topic: I was reading another blogger the other day, I think it was Longrider, and he used the name Kryten to refer to Starmer. Lucky I didn't have a beak full of tea otherwise I would have to have connected the spare key board. Kryten. Priceless especially as I caught the Red Dwarf special on Dave a few nights ago.
Dr Evil. I knew Starmer reminded me of someone. Which though, is the most robotic? I'll go for Starmer...
Dr E - I'd have gone with Rimmer. And you should have posted that here.
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