From the BBC:
A £1.6bn government fund has been launched to boost less well-off towns in England after Brexit. The pot is split into £1bn, divided in England using a needs-based formula, and £600m communities can bid for. More than half of the money, to be spread over seven years, will go to the north of England and the Midlands.
£1.6 billion sound like a lot, but in national terms, that's fuck all divided by six and a complete insult.
Just in case that wasn't immediately obvious, BBC has done the numbers, it's about £30 per person in the most disadvantaged areas. Over seven bloody years.
Another Sacrifice To The NHS...
36 minutes ago
Wut?! Oh Gawd. They really cannot let the subsidy lark go can they? I s'pose it's really the Tories making sure that their landowning funders don't 'lose money'.
Thanks Mark wanted to write something on this 'o look big number' fuck wittery, to allow some Labour MPs to vote for May's deal and then bring it (the money) back home to us.
DUP gets Ulster 1 billion+ I am led to believe.
If Labour MPs intend to whore themselves (and they will of course) I actually don't have a problem at this stage of the great game. But as ever, if the c*nts are going to whore us all out for a May deal, please, please, please moron, Labour MP's, pimp us out for a little bit more than Blair/Brown did in the City of London.
My sore arse seems to think, based on DUP Ulster deal: £2 billion for Newcastle, £3 billion for Sunderland, £4 billion for Leeds, £7 Billion for Manchester etc, etc. Over, shall we say, this side of a general election (seems a good 'back stop' position).
Anything less Labour comrades, and I for one would still be after you with a deselection process for supporting a Tory Primeminister's deal. Piddle arse amounts won't wash with many folks back home - where it will be the 'PLP comrades', gilded, perfumed arses, on the line.
If my MP wants to talk the,'Metro, City Center' Brexit remain line, even though we voted out here, fine, but he/she better whore themselves, priced at the cost of the years of cuts in local, city, public service's. Claw all Osborne's/Clegg's cuts back here, and he/she has a free hand, as far as I'm concerned. Fuck it. But £100 each over seven years and he/she is dead meat.
L, that wasn't my point at all.
MW, exactly.
MW I know I know, but really?
The irony is that I would bet that this is the money that we sent to Europe and that came back here as "The European Social," minus all of those crappy plaques in the foyer and all of the overheads that Brussels spent on itself....
That there is "extra" funding on offer is proof it really was all our money anyway.
"European Social Fund" - Sorry for any confusion.
ASM, yes, it is made up numbers replacing made up numbers.
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