Headline in Daily Mail/Money:
How Britain's £239bn buy-to-let bubble burst: Our devastating report reveals landlords ruined by tax penalties - and their pension plans hit
Evil greedy government ruining people's lives!
The first paragraph puts exactly the opposite spin on it, could be straight from the Morning Star:
During the Noughties, landlords ploughed into property* in the hope they could sit back, collect rent and watch house prices soar.
* More accurately, "people took highly leveraged bets on favourable tax treatment and massive government subsidies".
Thursday, 24 January 2019
A key element of Home-Owner-Ism is a complete lack of self awareness...
My latest blogpost: A key element of Home-Owner-Ism is a complete lack of self awareness...Tweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Doublethink, Home-Owner-Ism
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The comments are quite illuminating. Most daily mail readers seem to be on our side...
TBH, well spotted. There's hope for us yet.
"She then used the equity she built up to buy two more investment properties. Pray tell me how anything productive that 'she' did 'built up' that equity. Exactly?
L, it's a parallel universe.
@Lola if she built up equity by paying down mortgage principal, sure. But no doubt it was an interest only BtL and all equity came from everyone else...
M. Of course. But she won't have.
Surprised that some of the 'victims' didn't suggest suing the government for changing the regulations.
M and L, she "built up equity" by either
a) getting her tenants to pay off the mortgage for her, or
b) because of general increases in land prices.
M, the buggers tried that and failed.
Bloody hell - it was supposed to be satirical based on the but-to-let person who wanted to sue the banks for causing the financial crisis that caused her investment to fail.
Hadn't noticed that reality had met parody. Not surprised it was the legal whore Cherie who was involved however.
MW. The link to Cherie Blair action. Dear God.
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