It was clear to all seasoned EU-watchers from the morning of 24 June 2016 on that the most likely course of events would be a second referendum aka People's Vote, at which we simply give in and vote to Remain.
With previous unfavourable referendum results, "they" tweaked the terms of the deal to make it a bit more favourable and re-ran the referendum, that's always worked so far. They've modified this plan, which is - and always was, once "they" had dusted themselves down and got over the shock - to agree a Brexit deal that is so shit and so unfavourable that is won't get through Parliament (too many fundamentalist Remainer MPs and too many fundamentalist Leaver MPs).
Hey presto, another referendum is called to 'break the log jam' and a few percent of moderate Leave voters vote Remain next time round, job done, trebles all round!
Doing something sensible like adding "rejoin EFTA" to the referendum options and allowing ranked voting is not on the cards, because "rejoin EFTA" would almost certainly win by default - for a few people (including me) it would be the first choice, for most Leavers and Remainers it would be the second choice - which is not a favourable outcome from the EU's point of view.
So if you are an MP with a conscience, or a voter in the next referendum, you only have one logical course of action - that is to vote in favour of Theresa May's Brexit agreement, however deliberately shit and unfavourable. The alternative would illustrate once and for all that the EU will always get its own way and get away with anything, which is not a good outcome.
So Called Auditors
33 minutes ago
What about doing nothing and getting WTO on exports and no tariffs on imports? What did everyone else understand by, "No deal is better than a bad deal."
OTOH, fair point, so four options.
It's actually not an EU shit issue. It's a stitch up by the international bureaucracies to whom Brexit would be calamitous. 'Our' bureaucrats are mates with 'their' bureaucrats.
L, yes, it's "them".
"24 June 2018" - surely 2016?
Sh, ta, I have corrected.
Surely remaining in the EU could back fire on May, the EU etc and give us a UKIP government and leaving with no deal?
LF. The 'establishment' have been very successful in demonising and destroying UKIP - as they have themselves. In 'the establishment' I include the whole of parliament. Neither Labour nor the Torees what any type of party of liberty anywhere near their cartel. I admit that UKIP moved away from the Party of Liberty - i.e. libertarian - roots on which Farage founded it (as he claims in his book). And depite support from our host and Worstall among other sensible people would not countenance a truly liberalising tax policy. Nevertheless it still scared the beejeesus out of the Parliamentary cartel. So little chance of a UKIP government IMHO
L, it was Alan Sked who set up Ukip as a libertarian-liberal party, it wasn't just about leaving the EU. Garage took over ten years later and turned it into a single issue party, allowing it to become borderline racist, authoritarian etc.
MW. Yes, i knew that. I don't agree that that was Farage's intention. But you probably know better than me from your dealings with them.
MW. Second comnent. Agreed.
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