From this morning's Metro:
Legalisation of cannabis will not eliminate illegal dealing. There will still be a criminal element ready to supply it for a price undercutting the legitimate market.
HG, Kent.
That is just wrong on so many levels that it is impossible to know where to start.
So Called Auditors
40 minutes ago
What a prat..
Send HG history of prohibition in the US.
A problem only arises if government decides to not supply (say) skunk. Then the illegal suppliers move in. If they're going to do it, they need to do it properly. But I can't for the life of me see that price of supply will be lower from illegal sources; if there's no premium for risk, why take it?
Well, presumably I could get bootleg alcohol for a lower price, but it's just not worth the:
- hassle of finding who to get it from who has imported it or made it illegally and make a special arrangement to buy it when I can wander down to the shops on a whim and select from vast choice
- risk of getting something that has been tampered with or has meths in it by mistake. I want a brand that I trust that is governed by prevailing production quality standards.
I could make alcohol myself. It is illegal to distil, but not to use fractional freezing. But as demonstrated by the $1,500 sandwich man, it is not worth the bother
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