From the BBC:
At the other end of the scale, four in 10 own no property at all...
Those most likely to own a second home are baby-boomers, currently aged between 52 and 71. They also typically live in the south of England...
"Policy makers should consider what more can be done to ensure that home ownership doesn't become the preserve of the wealthy for generations to come," said Ms Gardiner.
The only thing which will sort this out is land value tax. Or at least a reintroduction of Georgism Lite, but that will take longer to have any effect.
If you're not prepared to support either of those, you might as well stop moaning. Ms Gardiner also makes the mistake of assuming that people own land because they are wealthy, when it is the other way round in most cases.
So Called Auditors
47 minutes ago
The UK: bankers pay boomers for the right to farm the kids.
Don't walk, run to your nearest border.
"If you're not prepared to support either of those, you might as well stop moaning."
From "Watching the English", by anthropologist Kate Fox "...there is something qualitatively distinctive about English moaning. It is utterly ineffectual: we never complain to or confront the source of our discontent, but only whinge endlessly to each other and proposing practical solutions is forbidden by the moaning rules."
I thought fewer than half of adults own property? An adult child living with their parents should not count as an owner occupier, neither should a flatmate in an owner occupied flatshare...
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