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Another goodie from the BBC:
We know that almost three million extra people turned out to vote in the EU referendum [compared to the General Election in the previous year]. Saying who they are - and what happens if they reappear - is where it gets difficult...
The real mystery is whether those additional voters in 2016 will come out again to vote in the 2017 general election - and what difference they could make... Are they people who are totally dissatisfied with the political system and became serial non-voters but were unable to resist the chance to give the establishment a thoroughly good kicking at the referendum?
I suspect that's correct. Although I have only missed voting in one election in twenty four years (it was a local election and I simply forgot), I voted 'Leave' largely for the fun of stirring up the hornets' nest.
Wednesday, 17 May 2017
"Tory and UKIP voters are all thick" vs "Universities are hot-beds of leftie brainwashing"
My latest blogpost: "Tory and UKIP voters are all thick" vs "Universities are hot-beds of leftie brainwashing"Tweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Education, General election, Propaganda, Referendum, university
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This is analysis which is so bollocks on stilts it beggars belief. If you take a quick look at the kinds of people who vote conservative and then take a look at the generally poor, unskilled, unionised folk who vote Labour then the theory is debunked instantly.
Because obviously it's all those highly educated, highly paid, rich, high achieving minds that are supporting Labour isn't it? That's why Diane Abbott is Home Secretary innit?
I'd like to see these adjusted for age. Older people vote Tory more and are less likely to have degrees.
"If you take a quick look at the kinds of people who vote conservative and then take a look at the generally poor, unskilled, unionised folk who vote Labour then the theory is debunked instantly."
Just because the facts don't match up to the stereotype doesn't mean that the facts are wrong. Possibly it's time you re-examined your prejudices in the light of reality.
"Are they people who are totally dissatisfied with the political system and became serial non-voters but were unable to resist the chance to give the establishment a thoroughly good kicking at the referendum?"
Yes, they were the backfire from "Project Fear".
JM, that's one set of assumptions - it might be right or might be wrong.
M, yes, that seems a likely explanation, we'd need it broken down by age as well. Or to put it another way (and you can guess the answer), of people with no formal qualifications, how many are pensioners (or vice versa)?
B, it might be prejudice, but many prejudices turn out to be correct.
B, agreed on Project Fear, the more they threatened that puppies and kittens would die, the more determined I was to vote Leave.
I voted 'Leave' largely for the fun of stirring up the hornets' nest.
Which is pretty much why, had I been voting in the French Presidential elections the other week, I would have voted Le Pen...... :-)
Just to put a burr under the EU's saddle.
Looking carefully fewer degree holders voted Labour than A level holders. But it's junk because choosing not to have a degree, or being of an age when degrees and A levels were not an option for many people, means failing to have such attainments are not an indicator of being thick.
Proof that education is dangerous...:-)
FT, new too, I'm sure she's a pussycat really.
W42, correct.
L, education is a great thing in and if itself. What is wrong is brainwashing.
"me too" bloody spell check.
Maybe people with a degree are scared to say that the vote UKIP or Tory because of lack of freedom of speech?
MW. Mrs L is a retired teacher. We agreed in the latter years of her career that what she was working at was the local State Indoctrination Centre.
Mt earlier comment was ironic.
There has been an unacknowledged fascist bloc in the British population since the time of the Blackshirts.They came out on the streets in the Notting Hill Race riots: there was a supportive march through London at the time of Enoch Powell's deport the Blacks or Rivers of Blood Speech. But in those days the Conservatives wouldn't touch them with a barge pole possibly on the grounds of class snobbery.
Then UKIP gave them a party to vote for ,although they couldn't elect any MP's.Finally the Tories panicked and tried to wipe them off the face of the Earth with a referendum, then when that failed started cosying up to them. Although they had refrained from voting for years, the underground fascists have now been given their chance and will be out voting for the Brexit they hope will lead to foreigners getting worked over.
On the day of the Referendum my lorry driver neighbour returned from his Skegness caravan park to vote saying that the park was empty with the whole lot intending to vote leave.An admirer of Enoch Powell, he nevertheless intended to vote remain.
When I went up to vote the entire local population of juvenile delinquents was assembled outside the voting centre for the first and last time.I do not think they had been suddenly enthused by the wonders of representative democracy.
The secret fascists whose households are given unearned, untaxed property wealth per year, not for doing anything like smashing Jewish windows or joining the army but for voting Conservative.Since the Conservatives are appeasing them (ostensibly ) with Fuck the Foreigners Brexit, they are likely to vote.
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