Via MBK, The Times on stomach churning top form:
Runaway house prices are forcing hundreds of thousands of middle-class families into the hands of rogue landlords, a study has found.
More than 200,000 households earning more than £30,000 a year are renting homes with a “category 1” hazard, which can include rat infestations, unsafe electrics, cold and damp, according to a report by the Citizens Advice charity and the New Policy Institute think tank.
Almost 130,000 of these households earn more than £40,000, suggesting that the blight of rogue landlords is not exclusive to those at the bottom of the social ladder…
Friday, 11 December 2015
If they were just preying on the working class, that would be fine and dandy...
My latest blogpost: If they were just preying on the working class, that would be fine and dandy...Tweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Home-Owner-Ism, Hypocrisy, The Times
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Here's a link to the report from Citizens Advice
Reminds me of a line in a report in a Portuguese newspaper of a train disaster, seen many years ago by a friend "Fortunately, only third-class passengers were killed" (and no, that was not a mistranslation of the Portuguese).
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