...we have seemingly endless news flow on the appalling events in Paris where 129 people were murdered. But it was only a few days previously when another 220 people were murdered by a bomb on an aeroplane, the news coverage of which seems to have just evaporated. It'd be a lot truer to conflate the two horrors and make the point that (apparently) ISIL terrorists have murdered 349 in November - so far.
So Called Auditors
44 minutes ago
It is quite obvious do that Russians do not count Although they are on our side against ISIL, we do not acknowledge their existence.BECAUSE THEY ARE COMMUNIST. We are happy to cosy up to theChinese Communist Governmemt though.
I think it's more of a European/non European and distance thing. We don't think of the Russians as really European and their plane was blown up in the Middle East, where the public perception is that this sort of thing goes on all the time. Paris, however, is a lot closer to us that Egypt and we do not associate it with bombs.
France is our next door neighbour. It's like not really giving a monkeys what the bloke 2 streets away does with his front garden.
The so called Russian-backed terrorists were possibly Ukrainians who remained loyal to the Communist system (it paid proper pensions for a start)and did not want to be part of the latest push by American-backed gangsters into the Russian sphere of influence.Cherchez les Americains is the safest policy in apportioning blame in this part of the world. Also if it was pro-Russian resistance to the pro American putsch in the Ukraine, there is not much chance that this plane was singled out for targeting: more like a missile carried on upward till it hit something.The Russian plane had a bomb deliberately placed aboard.
Were the Brits machine-gunned on the beach in Tunisia "sort of asking for trouble?"
The Russian were feted over here when they were winning the war for us."We have never been at war with Eastasia" (China)but " We have always been at war with Eurasia"(Russia)
Give it a rest, DBCR....or even offer us some proof of your meths' fuelled ravings.
What you need to do is mount an counter argument in which you refute my arguments on as factual basis as possible.Other people on here, like Lola do this and the truth begins to emerge by the so-called dialectical method. This is what adults do,This is why this web-site is fairly special.
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