One of my favourite TV series from the '70's. Here
This article reminded me of it and told me where it had been published. Like the man says, download it before the BBC claims copyright or something.
The Blob is the disease
1 hour ago
One of my favourite TV series from the '70's. Here
This article reminded me of it and told me where it had been published. Like the man says, download it before the BBC claims copyright or something.
My latest blogpost: I can't Believe the BBC made this...Tweet this!
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Labels: BBC
I read somewhere that he's got Piketty + Stiglitz (maybe not Stiglitz, but some good bloke) on the team.
Danny Blanchflower, Mariana Mazzucato, Anastasia Nesvetailova, Thomas Picketty, Ann Pettifor, Joseph Stiglitz and Simon Wren-Lewis, according to
Seems like a decent team to me. A good mix of people who understand land, people who understand banks and people who understand investment. Some big names, some unknowns. Hopefully they'll get a bit of traction.
Derek. Irony I presume?
Good call. I watched the first two episodes yesterday (thanks to Chromecast I can actually watch it on my proper TV).
They've only made cursory nods to the future, like changing the car number plates. It's interesting that they foresee the European Union freedom of movement in the second episode.
The British Film Institute has been re-releasing rare 1970s BBC programmes on DVD in recent years, they might be interested in this.
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