It used to be that Merchant Banker was rhyming slang. Central Banker seems more appropriate now.
1 hour ago
It used to be that Merchant Banker was rhyming slang. Central Banker seems more appropriate now.
My latest blogpost: Horse. Stable. BoltedTweet this!
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It was deliberate too.
A "crucial role in protecting our hard-won economic security".
On which planet?
Well, obviously, anyone with half a clue has known this for years. What is interesting is that the BoE have come out and admitted it. It's also interesting that so many people seem to be piling into BtL, just when it is no longer an economic proposition.
Bayard's right: the BoE is at last noticing the problem
but, as Lola says, its a long time after the horse bolted.
Bait and switch?
DBCR...and deliberately misdiagnosing it for its own ends. Can't admit our own massive failures y'know. What about all our lovely fat entitlements and power?
Homeownerist nonsense here.
Author in comments is half right:
"Separating land value from the value of the property built in it (which should depreciate) makes a lot of sense. Land is a safe asset, but shouldn't be a speculative investment with its value driven up by protectionism, blatant market rigging and artificial scarcity. My concern here though is that restricting secondary market finance for property purchase does not address the real issue and tends to depress GDP. Å land value tax would be a far better alternative, I think."
Yes, LVT is needed. But not for "market rigging."
@R Frances Coppola is pretty reliable on money matters but clueless on land price inflation: this is the most hopeful thing I've seen from her on LVT.
Excellent comment. I tried with FC before on LVT but it's one she won't engage with.
Truth is, economists have been so thoroughly brainwashed they are a lost cause.
Stiglitz is a perfect example. He's looking so hard for the answer that's right in front of his nose, and he still can't see it. And he knows about George etc. Truly amazing, and something I wouldn't have believed possible regarding academia until I learned about LVT (and economics) myself.
The lot of them are worse than useless.
BJ/DBCR He who pays the piper calls the tune. Stiglitz, Coppola et al are looking to their next fat grant from the gummint or landowners or whoever. 'Course they ain't gonna look at LVT - LVT largely shuts down the government's opportunity for gerrymandering and cronyism.
As to the Frances Coppola thing, she's tilting at windmills. I think that e.g. Georgists have made it clear that lending to acquire a building is fine, whether new or old, lending to acquire land is inherently bad. Most of her article she treats the two as interchangeable.
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