I had developed a slight but very itchy stye in my left lower eyelid and my nose was rather bunged up, so I bought a small squeezy bottle of Optrex eye-drops and a small squeezy bottle of Sinex nasal spray.
The Sinex is very good at decongesting (if that's a verb) but after a few weeks of using the Optrex, the stye still had not cleared up. A few days ago, the inevitable happened and I filled up my left eye with Sinex by mistake. It stung like [something that really stings plus expletives] and I rushed back to the bathroom to splash water into my eye as best as possible, which is trickier than it sounds.
My eye was red all day long and I felt pretty stupid.
The interesting part is this: when I checked in the mirror the next morning, the stye had completely disappeared and my eye/eyelid has been fine ever since.
So Called Auditors
31 minutes ago
Sinex contains benzalkonium chloride which is a broad spectrum biocide used in Dettol so maybe it killed the bugs in your stye.
And putting Dettol on a mouth ulcer kills it dead. Just keep your tongue away cos it tastes truly disgusting.
Sounds as though it would make a good weedkiller too.
Hmmm, Kill or Cure. Well, I'm glad it was Cure this time.
AKH, thanks, so it wasn't a coincidence or placebo effect.
MIM, no doubt I will try that one day.
IH, nah, well laid concrete is the best weedkiller.
D, me too :-)
"Just keep your tongue away cos it tastes truly disgusting."
What, worse than TCP?
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