Monday 12 August 2013

Hurrah ! Up by "10%" year on year ! [but please don't look at the small print though, please don't]

The number of new starts of public housing construction is up by 9.8 per cent year on year, according to statistics from the Office of National Statistics published on Friday.
Wow!  Impressive or what ...
The figure for building starts in quarter two 2012 was 1,018 and for the same quarter in 2013 the number was 1,118.

Output in the Construction Industry, June and Q2 2013


Bayard said...

and the corresponding figure for public housing lost to "Right to buy" were....?

Anonymous said...

B, they sold off about a million council houses, i.e. the best quarter or so, they certainly did not sell off all of them or even most of them.

That said, that was still one million too many.

James Higham said...

according to statistics from the Office of National Statistics

That would be govt statistics, yes?

Anonymous said...

JH, you can still trust ONS. It's the government which massively misrepresents what the ONS say, the ONS itself is pretty straight.

Bayard said...

"B, they sold off about a million council houses"

So, if a quarter of council houses are lost to RTB, then the effective build rate is 3000 a year, so it will take about 400 years at this rate to replace all the ones sold, allowing for further sales from the existing stock.