5th July 2013
An official report will call for sweeping changes - which are likely to mean the closure of local hospitals - and say Britain’s health services stand on the brink of financial crisis.
The scale of the problems ahead was disclosed yesterday by Tim Kelsey, director for patients and information at NHS England, the central body in charge of the health service.
He told an audience of technology entrepreneurs: “We are about to run out of cash in a very serious fashion. Next week NHS England will be publishing a call to action... our analysis will disclose that by 2020 there will be a £30bn funding gap in the healthcare system.”
4th July 2013
The NHS watchdog implicated in a cover-up over a hospital where babies died through neglect spent £785,000 last year on 11 lobbyists.
Is Anyone Surprised?
1 hour ago
I know of 2 x nurses who used to work for the NHS. They are scathing of the way it is run and the waste that goes on. However, dare they criticise the 'sacred' NHS and you can imagine how their careers would have turned out. So both left.
Running out of money wouldn't have anything to do with rising immigration would it? Oops sorry. Makes me a rascist!
I'm convinced there would be a lot more whistle-blowing if we didn't have an NHS monopoly. Nurses could leave a hospital, safe in the knowledge that the old one couldn't touch them, and then rat out the other one.
And no, it's nothing much to do with immigration. I've got dozens of examples of the NHS being a technological dinosaur.
I dare say that you could find many a private business that was losing money but still spending thousands on PR. It's what happens when the management realise they can do what they like without reference to the owners.
It tried to kill me. .at least it's bureaucracy did...
It tried to kill me. .at least it's bureaucracy did...
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