From The Sunday Express:
Lord Berkeley is demanding an independent review of the Duchy's housing policy after it emerged the estate, which provides the Prince with a multi-million pound income, is sometimes charging almost double what council tenants pay.
Charles prides himself on the principle that the Duchy offers accommodation for "local people at local prices".
However, the latest figures from the Council of the Isles of Scilly, where the Duchy has 700 tenancies, show that his tenants are charged an average of £130 a week, compared to £70 for council tenants and £100 for those in housing association accommodation.
From The Daily Mail:
Charles is a man with dozens of hand-made suits hanging in the huge, walk-in dressing rooms of his various homes. They are mainly from Anderson & Sheppard of Savile Row, where prices start at £3,936.
Charles put on the patched one, complete with striped shirt and red-and-blue tie, while with Camilla on their annual summer trip to Wales, where unemployment is high and many families are finding times particularly hard.
His making-ends-meet display came just a few days after it emerged that his annual income from the Duchy of Cornwall had risen by an inflation-busting 4 per cent to £19 million.
So what are we to make of this gesture?
Turnips on the menu
2 hours ago
I'm not entirely surprised. The Mail/Express, while strong supporters of the monarchy, don't like Charles*. They adored Crazy Di, and he did the dirty on her.
I think they'd rather that it got skipped for Wills and Kate.
That said, are we comparing equivalent properties on the Isles of Scilly? The average housing authority property might be a flat, the average Duchy property a house. My guess is anyone with a nice council house on Scilly flipped it in right-to-buy decades ago.
* yes, I'm fully aware that monarchists that don't like Charles are basically criticising the product of the system that they support.
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