and the operator suffer from chronic RSI
The annual report from the interception of communications commissioner
Sir Paul Kennedy reveals that the number of official requests for the data
tracking of individual's internet and phone use increased by 15% in the past
year to 570,135 requests.
Sir Paul discloses that nearly a thousand
errors – 979 – were made during such interception operations during 2012, often
involving monitoring data from the wrong telephone numbers, email addresses or
over the wrong time period. In about 20% of cases the internet and phone
companies handed over the wrong internet and phone records to the authorities.
"In the vast majority of these cases
the mistake was realised, the public authority (and the communications service
provider if applicable) reported the error to my team and the data that was
acquired wrongly was destroyed as it had no relevance to the
investigation," Sir Paul says in his report published on Thursday.
"Regretfully in six separate cases
this year, the mistake was not realised and action was taken by the police
forces/law enforcement agencies on the data received,"
"All of these cases were requests for
internet data. Regrettably, five of these errors had very significant
consequences for six members of the public who were wrongly detained/accused of
crimes as a result of the errors".
Still, even without applying the "for
the greater good" maxim, that 979 is a surprisingly small "error
rate" and we can of course be sure that in each of the cases of the
"unfortunate 5" having realised that mistakes had been made, all the
data relating to the "detentions, accusations and charges" has been
completely expunged from all records relating to them, and the unfortunate
mistake has not and will never see them being wrongly failed by a CRB check, or
the like, or being overlooked for a job because they admit on the application
that "yes, I was arrested once, but it was all a mistake .."
Because as we know "nothing to hide, nothing to fear ..."
Turnips on the menu
2 hours ago
They were probably immigrant/black/muslim/unemployed/single mothers anyway.
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