and so we are abandoning the 'you've spent long enough on your X-Box, so time to go search the internet for porn' feature on the new X-Box" announces Don Mattrick, the President of Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft, "but it does mean we will have to now have some design compromises which will mean that 'wherever we go my games are always with me' won't be the case, unless of course you already carry them around with you, say in a case, when you want to take your games with you and carry on doing that or buy a case and start carrying it around with you when you want to take your games with you; in which case they will".
Criticism against the Xbox One for its original restrictions on game sharing and its need to connect to the internet came not only from the public and the press, but also from Microsoft’s rivals. The unveiling of the PS4 by Sony at E3 even included a 22-second spoof video entitled 'Official PlayStation Used Games Instructional Video' showing two Sony employees simply handing a game from one to the other.
Marc Whitten – the vice president of Xbox Live also confirmed another change, abolishing the Xbox One’s proposed region locking: "You could buy a console in any country and use it any country," said Whitte. "You can use any disc in that console."
Whitten also clarified the future for Xbox One’s digital policy in an interview with gaming website Polygon, saying that "While we are adding in the ability to use physical discs, we still believe in the power of a digital and cloud-powered future played out at launch and rolled out over time. You are going to see us invest a ton in all of the ways digital builds experiences."
Net Zero Defence
45 minutes ago
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