They've published an article titled I celebrate the defiance in Pussy Riot's eyes, which kicks off with this:
As Maria Alyokhina's hunger strike continues, her strength inspires others as much as it scares the Russian state...
The article rambles on in that amiable but pointless manner for several paragraphs. The satirical nugget is right at the end:
When I took part in an event hosted by the Royal Court theatre last year, where myself and a group of other actors performed some plays inspired by Pussy Riot, interspersed with their writings, I had the chance to dress up in pink tights and a fluoro balaclava and jump up and down and scream and shout – and all this when I was six months pregnant.
It was a treat to get the chance to be them for a moment, to replicate the courage and exuberance of their moment of protest in the cathedral.
I'd be absolutely fascinated to find out what Ms Alyokhina - who, whatever the rights and wrongs of this, is locked up in a Russian jail - thinks about a coach load of spoiled English brats "replicating Pussy Riot's courage and exuberance" by prancing around in tights in a subsidised theatre. And then incorrectly using the reflexive pronoun.
Out of control
4 hours ago
Jumping up and down screaming and shouting - and whilst pregnant. Modern Ballet possibly. So this piece of cutting edge agit-prop theatre may well have had more of an impact than you imagine.
"The 60-year-old and his 55-year-old wife broke the news of the end of the 29-year marriage after a night at the ballet"
BE, good spot. I've passed it on to to add to his "Putin is gay" series.
Reflexive pronoun? But that's grammer. Check your privilege you elitist pig!
MIM "grammer"? That's spelling!
The Royal Court is the ultimate circlejerk of the Wrong Sort of People.
And frankly, what's it doing on Sloane Square? A theatre losing money on some of the best real estate in the country? Madness.
(Lloyd Bank's musicals are rubbish, but they do pay for themselves).
incidentally, it seems to have about 75 employees for an audience of 460. It's got more people doing front-of-house/tickets than my multiplex does for a couple of thousand seats.
I was being sarcastic about speling too :)
TS, that's why YPP needs somebody like you as culture spokesman, you know about this stuff, I was just guessing.
MIM, should I assume that your rather idiosyncratic spelling of "élitist" was ironic too? And were you using "pig" as a simile or a metaphor?
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