Her Indoors had steeled herself to have a proper talk with the lass who is doing maternity cover and wasn't doing a very good job at all. I asked her how it went and she told me that her opening question was "Have you ever worked in an office before?" at which stage I started giggling.
"That's like a line from a film," I said, "I can just see it. Man blags self job as bus driver, tears off roof of bus under low bridge, angry boss asks him 'Have you ever driven a bus before?' Man blags job in demolition and blows up the wrong building, angry boss asks 'Have you ever used explosives before?' and so on. The simple fact that the boss asks the question indicates that the person hasn't. Whatever the context, it's funny!"
Her Indoors (who found the whole experience rather stressful) did not think that it was funny at all. Anyway, I regaled The Lad with the tale a couple of days later and he fell about laughing: "Dad, it IS a line from a film! Right at the start of Nativity! after the new teaching assistant unleashes complete chaos, the serious character sits him down and asks him 'Let me ask you something. You haven't done this before, have you?'"
Spotlight on the Speaker of the House of Commons
2 hours ago
It's a classic, the comment that is. I got served "have you worked in a lab before" in one of the first days in a former job, after a proper rookie mistake. It has quite a sting to it that comment.
I wonder whether those films are pre-dated by "Have you been to a Harvester before?"
Kj, what was your answer?
TFB, long time no hear! Is that a line from a film* or from an advertisement for Harvester restaurants?
* I made up two of those scenes, the one from Nativity! is authentic.
MW: I hadn't, so I was inclined to say "no", but I chose to respond with an indignant silence...
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