Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Yeah, but that was before I was looking for a job, and they offered me one

'Honoured' to join the BBC: James Harding - the man who tore it to bits

July 2012 "The BBC distorts and suffocates an industry. It is too big," ....... "The BBC's charter will be up for renewal in 2016. It stretches credibility that it could or should be renewed in its current form."

April 2013 "The BBC plays a role that should make us all immensely proud."

Well in addition to any other skills and attributes he possesses that make him the man for the job he obviously has firm principles, and wouldn't simply tailor 'his views' to suit his "paymaster of the moment" ...

(emailed in by Bob E).


A K Haart said...

Ha ha - well spotted.

Bayard said...

It's that Clash song again....

Anonymous said...

AKH, it's BobE who reads the Indy.

B, do you mean "I fought the law" (orig. by Sonny Curtis) or "Death or Glory" ("I believe in this and it's been tested by research/he who fucks nuns will later join the church")?

Bayard said...

The latter. I'm no Clash fan and wouldn't have known about "Death and Glory" if you hadn't put in a post about Jon Snow's son?

Anonymous said...

B, you have now completely lost me. Do you mean "the former" or "the latter"? Did I ever post something about Jon Snow's son?

Bob E said...

To be honest, what went through my mind when I read the story was:-

"I was looking for a job, and then I found a job, and heaven knows, I'm miserable now ...."

Bayard said...

Mark, sorry, I can see how my comment was confusing. What I meant to say was that I wouldn't have known the Clash did a version of "I fought the law", not being a fan. But it was indeed you who posted about it: though I got the wrong sort of Snow.

Anonymous said...

B, crikey you have got a good memory, I'd forgotten all about that.

Anonymous said...

... but you have overlooked that "TV Historian" is not Jon Snow's son, he is Peter Snow's son (those two being either brothers or cousins or something).

Bayard said...

That's what I meant by the wrong sort of Snow.