Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Vaguely interesting .... or immensely depressing and explaining one hell of a lot ...

The Department for Work and Pensions chose today to unveil its new website and issued a release about it

Anyway, a scroll through the new layout at  was called for, and whilst doing this on the Home page section for the "great and good"  (no photoshopping was used in the production of the images shown) took a gander at the entry for Chris Last - who in addition to being DWP Director General, Human Resources is also (the first) Head of Government HR Operations.  In the mini blurb on his page it goes on to say that - and this is of course something worth boasting about -

Chris has transformed HR into a smaller, more professional service.
which is surely "a good thing" and yet .....
He introduced a graduate entry programme for HR and now the Civil Service is the largest recruiter of HR graduates in the UK.
Er, say no more ....