Friday, 19 April 2013

They own land, so ...

(screen grab of the day from Inside Housing home page)


Anonymous said...

... give them, er, give them, I can't remember what it is we have to give them, maybe the first picture is supposed to give me a clue or something?

Anonymous said...


And who owns these Housing Associations? sure really. Nobody's ever asked that before - as a Housing Association Chairman told me in the 1980s.

Mark Wadsworth said...

AC, it is absolutely no secret that they are "owned" and funded by the government, they are arm's length agency type things, subject to certain regulatory and legislative constraints etc.

But by and large, they are run by self-serving quangocrats etc. Far better to have council housing where at least everybody knows who is in charge and subject to democratic control.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. But the article is about Housing Associations expanding their market rented portfolio. In other words, they are acting as private landlords. And then taking advantage of government fundng for privately rented homes.

Sounds like a pretty big dose of smoke and mirrors to me.