Sunday 21 April 2013

"They had everything to live for"

From The Daily Mail:

It was initially believed that the women, who had been carrying out renovation work, may have succumbed to carbon monoxide poisoning, but that possibility was soon ruled out.

The corresponding paragraph in yesterday's paper edition is slightly different:

Initially, after a friend found their bodies a fortnight ago, it was feared that the two women, who had been renovating their £110,000 house in Macclesfield, Cheshire, may have been overcome by carbon monoxide poisoning.

Bonus points for having five commas in one sentence.


Graeme said...

it is vital to link any deaths to "party drugs"...more things to BAN!!!!!!

Bayard said...

G, the ideal is to ban all drugs except those produced by Big Pharma and controlled by the NHS (that includes alcohol, nicotine and probably, eventually, caffeine).