From today's Metro:
A generation of young adults living with their parents because of rising house prices may end up trapped there forever as carers.
Hundreds of thousands of 20 to 34-year-olds will spend so long scraping together a deposit that their parents will then be too frail to leave on their own. Many carers will have to give up their careers as well as abandoning their hopes of ever having a home of their own, the research shows.
Nikki Flanders, from O2 Health, which carried out the research, said: "Just as younger people become able to buy for the first time, they may be called upon to look after their parents – especially as social care budgets are cut."
Up to 3 million young people are living with their parents as they have to save for an average of ten years to raise a deposit. In London, the figure rises to 24 years. One in five of them will become a carer for their parents at some point in their lives, the O2 research shows. In some parts of the country, more than two-thirds of people over 65 will have a long-term health condition such as dementia, heart disease or diabetes.
Yes, it's only an advertorial for O2 Health, but it's a fair point nonetheless, it heaps the burden/cost of long term care more and more on the Untouchables (people who Aren't On The Property Ladder) and relieves the Homeys. So the Homeys will see this as a Very Good Thing Indeed, especially if they can charge their children rent.
Notes on bechamel and blancmange
6 hours ago
We are beginning to win the argumment, see here ,
VF, tough call.
It's funny that the Germans are only calling for this in Other People's Countries.
While Germany itself is not openly Home-Owner-Ist, it is very Landlordist, and I don't see them calling for higher land taxes in their own country.
Their council tax equivalent is only half as high as in the UK and they don't even have Business Rates (they have Local Income Tax on trades but not "professionals").
"Yes, it's only an advertorial for O2 Health, "
Scaremongering which doesn't stand up to close analysis is what it is AFAICS: If you are 20 - 34 years ols, the n your parents are likely to be 50 - 64 years old, which is below retirement age. Anyway, what's to prevent the live-in children getting in carers, just like they would if they were living somewhere else. Living with one's parents gives you the option of doing it yourself, it doesn't force you to, so in fact these people will be better off than those who have given up all their spare income to join the Great Housing Ponzi Scheme.
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