Graeme linked to this in The Telegraph:
The Prime Minister is to announce a Government-backed code of conduct which will mean that pornography is blocked in public spaces such as cafes and railway stations where children are likely to be present.
Mr Cameron said that he wanted “good, clean WiFi” in public spaces which would give parents confidence that their children cannot access illicit websites on smart phones or mobile computers.
The Prime Minister said: “We are promoting good, clean, WiFi in local cafes and elsewhere to make sure that people have confidence in public WiFi systems so that they are not going to see things they shouldn’t.
Does he not get embarrassed saying stuff like this? Does he not realise that he's making a complete idiot of himself?
The coalition of charities, which includes the NSPCC and The Children’s Society, last night welcomed Mr Cameron’s intervention...
Just for old times' sake...
The NSPCC's 2012 accounts have a nice long list of donors at the back, which includes Comic Relief, The Department of Education, Welsh Government, Army Central Fund, Department of Health 3rd Sector Investment Program (Dart), Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety, Newcastle International Airport,BBC Children In Need Appeal and Glasgow City Council. They received over £9 million in "statutory funding", see note 3, page 31.
The Children's Society 2012 accounts note 7 on "Incoming resources from charitable activities" says they received £13 million from central and local government for doing what it is they pretend to do.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Genius plan to rejuvenate the High Street!
My latest blogpost: Genius plan to rejuvenate the High Street!Tweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Children, Children's Society, David Cameron MP, Idiots, NSPCC, Pornography, Quangocracy
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"Code of Conduct" eh, so, the Mighty Ding is obviously so completely outraged he is promising a "Code of Conduct" - but will it be "mandatory" or "voluntary" and more importantly, will there be a special big multicoloured sticker to go in shop windows saying something like "We follow the clean wifi code"? And last, but by no means least, when is the Govt going to start advertising "WiFi Code of Conduct Compliance Officer" vacancies and let us know how much you might be able to earn spending your time walking between various Coffee shops checking all the while to see if all the shops and other premises displaying the "We follow the clean wifi code" are ? Given it is only a Code of Conduct presumably the CCCO will be limited to insisting that transgressor premises take the sign down?
BobE, that sounds like my sort of job!
- Enter cafe, restaurant etc.
- Order myself a nice meal, coffee etc.
- Open lap top, surf for porn.
- If search is unsuccessful, give the manager a pat on the back.
- If search is successful, watch porn for a bit "for research purposes" and get a pat on the back from my supervisor.
- Revisit premises with my supervisor just as a double-check.
- Issue warning notice.
- Revisit premises a week later, order myself a nice meal etc.
This comic came out before I saw Rush live for the first time. Now they're advertising at bus stops. Go figure!
Nice windfall for the network equipment co's.
Do you know how much more cpu power it takes to filter this kind of traffic.
I guess they are used to it though. And keeps charity in high pay.
"The Prime Minister said: “We are promoting good, clean, WiFi in local cafes and elsewhere to make sure that people have confidence in public WiFi systems so that they are not going to see things they shouldn’t. Ignorant authoritarian twat.
RA, great minds...
RS, exactly! Hence the second part of the post.
L, exactly. I'm not even sure this filtering works on a practical level (maybe it does?).
I'm sure if "curious" teenagers want to watch online porn, they will do it at home anyway, they're not going to take their lap tops to Starbucks to do it, are they? Unless the wifi works in the toilet cubicles...
until Dave spoke, I really didn't realise that the threat of access to wifi porn was what was making High Streets die. I thought it might have to do with excessive business rates or parking charges or rents or something....
Graeme - or they could be dying because there's not enough porn...
Lola - that would be a genius plan. On the lines of all those tourists who gawp at the red-light areas in Amsterdam and Hamburg...maybe our Dave should encourage the growth of high-street wifi porn centres.
G, Business Rates are too low if anything, but agreed with everything else. Surely the "death of the high street" is a result of people having cars and the internet?
Good old Dave. And there was that thing about girl's knickers with suggestive slogans and chocolate near the counter. He's a real lifestyle and retail guru is our Dave.
Filtering for internet is generally quite successful.
The main thing is that porn providers sign up for a scheme to register their site for adult content. They don't want kids visiting, partly because it will only bring about regulation if kids visit their sites, but also because kids don't have credit cards.
The "CPU cycles" are pretty much irrelevant. The router at the hotspot location would be talking to something like OpenDNS instead of a regular DNS server, and that would redirect you to a blocked page instead of a regular page.
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