Programme of the day
9.00 - 9.20 Registration, Tea & Coffee
9.20 - 9.40 Introduction & Chair. Professor Suman Fernando
9.40 - 10.30 Power, Identity and Mental Health: Understanding The Impact of Social Experience. Dr. Jerry Tew
10.30 - 11.20 From Personal Confusion, To Social Understanding. Professor Peter Beresford
11.20 - 11.40 Tea & Coffee
11.40 - 12.30 A Critical Realist Response to The DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Professor David Pilgrim
12.30 - 12.50 Morning Q & A
12.50 - 1.50 Lunch and networking
1.50 - 2.40 Inequality Informed Mental Health Services: What Will It take? Dr. Jennie Williams
2.40 - 3.00 Tea & Coffee
3.00 - 3.50 Moving from Individualistic Monologues to Social Dialogues. Dr. Rufus May
3.50 - 4.10 Afternoon Q&A
4.10 - 4.30 Plenary, Closure & Evaluation sheets
Who Should attend?
This conference will be relevant to all interested in this field as well as all professionals, including those from Local Authorities and NHS trusts across the UK, Psychiatrists, GPs, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Early Intervention Teams, CPN's, OT's, Social Workers, Chaplains, Community Faith Leaders & Healers, Equality Leads, Community Development Workers, Service User Representatives, Charities, Third Sector, Educational Establishments, Academics and Policy makers.
Oxford House,
Derbyshire Street,
Bethnal Green,
London E2 6HG
Conference Contact
Ahmed Qureshi (conference co-ordinator) tel. 07540 356 526
email us on: or visit us on
30 minutes ago
At the risk of attracting "How dare you belittle mental illness" which I most certainly am not, ok, from what I understand about the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders the session "11.40 - 12.30 A Critical Realist Response to The DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). Professor David Pilgrim. could just consist of the Prof. thumbing through the manual at random and inviting those assembled to declare whether the "category of illness" described on the pages the Prof happens to alight upon are A "real", B "made up in the US to fit a use for a pharmaceutical product",or C "made up in the US to increase and retain client footfall in the surgeries of psychiatrists" or D "a combination of B and C" ..
Who do I see the phrase "critical realist perspective" and immediately think "far-left whacko"?
I saw that and thought that. It will be about obscuring things to provide safer sinecures.
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