Sunday, 24 March 2013

Car Attack

From the BBC:


Chuck said...

Mark Wadsworth said...

Ch, yes, that was truly my favourite kind of daft survey.

Chuck said...

From the BBC article -

'The red Audi TT left the road and crashed into the home in Long Meadow Walk, Lowestoft'

From the Mail article -

'Allowing for the proportion of each car marque on Britain's road, Audi-branded cars were streets ahead of their nearest rival in the 'parking hall of shame'

It's just bad parking, look at the picture, 4 foot off the ground.

Mark Wadsworth said...

Ch, ah yes, Audi was the worst-parked car, but also red cars were best-parked cars.

So this guy ticks the "Audi drivers are arseholes" box but lets all the other red car drivers down very badly. Shame on him.