Emailed in by Bob E:
Ministerial Foreword
Universal Credit will make work pay – so that people are better off in work than claiming benefits. It will improve and modernise the benefit system and bring the experience of claiming and receiving benefit into line with the world of work.
And as Annex B illustrates, it really is going to be "so simple" ...
In making a claim to UC, the claimant will experience a series of key steps:
• Learn about UC;
• Create a UC account;
• Provide details for the claim;
• See likely payment amount;
• Submit claim;
• Prepare for an interview;
• Attend an initial interview;
• Prove ID
• Sign a Claimant Commitment; and
• Receive award notification and payment.
and once you have "got it":
In maintaining a claim to UC, a claimant will need to:
• Budget monthly and pay rent;
• Demonstrate “actively seeking work” (where appropriate);
• Take up work;
• Seek to increase their earnings from work; and
• Update their details.
and nor is the role that LSS's are expected to play "that big" either, and better yet, that is expressed in a totally "jargon and wonk speak free" way:
Local support services have to be focussed on delivering appropriate outcomes for claimants, communities and wider society. Although individuals will present specific challenges, and so require a tailored pathway to bring them closer to the labour market, the broad criteria for success are:
• Constructing a service that claimants, agents and intermediaries view as easy to use, easy to understand and easy to access - giving them confidence in the system;
• Helping individuals, especially those who need extra support, to make and manage a claim to UC;
• Providing a joined up and holistic support service to claimants ensuring minimum hand-offs between different agencies;
• Substantially improving work incentives and the recognition that work pays; and
• Increasing the number of people in employment when compared to the equivalent point of the previous economic cycle.
The ultimate aim of those providing services under the framework will be the creation of a “single claimant journey” from dependency to self sufficiency and work readiness, as far as is possible, behind which all service providers should be aligned. To this end DWP and delivery partners will identify specific outcomes required by individual claimants to help move them closer to the labour market and financial independence.
Can't fail, can it ?
2 hours ago
"• Providing a joined up and holistic support service to claimants ensuring minimum hand-offs between different agencies;"
Is this document available in other languages? For example, English?
VFTS, it's brilliant jargon, isn't it?
VTFS, Translation of the above into English: " ".
BTW I hope "hand-off" doesn't mean what it looks like.
Well, I guess the new system will dramatically cut the highest marginal tax rates from 100% to below 90%. Who could fail to be excited about keeping 60p an hour out of a minimum wage job?
AC, is it down by all of ten per cent? They are really making progress!
"keeping 60p an hour out of a minimum wage job"
Luxury! when I were a lad........
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