Tuesday, 5 February 2013

And a f-ing lot of good the investigation will be

Bob E summarises the likely conclusions of the investigation, full article at the BBC:

A lot of people collectively failed to do their jobs. Someone died as a result. That is unfortunate. No one person is to blame. This was not "corporate manslaughter". No one can be punished for this unfortunate and tragic accident, as it is no one person's fault. Measures are now in place to ensure it never happens again. Until it does. We will then dust off this report, change the dates and a few of the names, and go public with it and how horrified we are. Again.


Bayard said...

The gravy train only ever stops to pick up, never to set down.

Lola said...

You know what? I am getting a little niggled by the collective unremitting failure of all these government 'services', or Shambles as I now substitute.

JuliaM said...

You forgot 'We will see if lessons can be learned' That one always leaves them rolling in the aisles.

View from the Solent said...

And you forgot 'This will send a message'.

Mark Wadsworth said...

B, I fear so.

L, it's all smoke and mirrors for the really big frauds going on.

JM, VFTS, excellent points, I shall email Bob E and tell him to include them in his next press release.

Mark Wadsworth said...

JM, VFTS, I emailed Bob E and he apologised for the omissions. He promises faithfully that his next press release will include LWBL and TWSAM, as well as the following...

"Consideration is being given to establishing a system for registering all workers employed in care facilities in order to both assure their suitability and also their status as entitled to be working in the UK"

Bayard said...

Don't forget: "A new Inspector of will be appointed to oversee all activities in ". The gravy train stops to pick up yet another passenger.