The original satire was in The Onion.
Inspired by this, a teacher in England had a go recently:
Wesley Walker, 14, was told by teachers to imagine he only had a few days to live through terminal illness, and to write a letter which he should then take home to his parents.
But when the schoolboy produced the handwritten note which said he wanted to 'say goodbye' before disappearing to his bedroom, his mother thought he had become suicidal...
And now a teacher in France is probably regretting his copycat attempt:
A teacher has been suspended after asking a class full of teenagers to write suicide notes.
The man, who has not been named, is a French teacher at the Antoine-Delafont school in Montmoreau-Saint-Cybard, near Angouleme, France. He told the 13 to 14 year olds to imagine what they would say to themselves if they were about to end their lives out of 'disgust' for their lives...
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