According to City AM, "THE COALITION announced a raft of new policies yesterday in a desperate attempt to get the economy – and their poll ratings – back on track."
Ho hum, blah blah, the concrete measures are listed right at the end...
* A new business bank will be set up, backed by the state to try and help fund small firms and entrepreneurs
* Infrastructure finance guarantees will be put in place to transfer some of the risk of big projects from companies to the government
* First-time buyers will get more support to buy a house, after the last scheme – exemption from stamp duty – expired in March
So more debts, more government guarantees for debts, higher house prices, more mortgage lending etc. It hasn't worked very well so far, has it?
AI Spam
25 minutes ago
It upset my whole morning and had me shouting at the radio - again. Mrs Lola was not amused. Still, look on the bright side, finally paid off our mortgage today....
Setting up another bank?
Don't the government own enough banks that won't do as they ask already?
Nice to know no one has an effing clue up top.
L, well done re mortgage. Just in time for Mrs L's retirement...
BQ, yes they do. But you know what government's are like. The only reason why policies fail is because they didn't go far enough, not because they were heading in the wrong direction to start with.
JH, oh they do have a clue. They want more debt and higher land prices, and higher taxes. That way, the One Per Cent can roll around in the wealth that other people slave to create.
JH, they do have a clue and the clue is the words "poll ratings" in the quote above. There's not much point in fixing the economy if your poll ratings go through the floor, but there's lots of point in continuing to wreck the economy if your poll ratings rise enough to get you in power next time round. What they are doing is the only politically viable course of action: that is why they are doing it.
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