From The Guardian:
The figure 1.4 million has been plucked out of the air as a wild over-estimate of the number of people over 65 are 'believed' to be tip-toeing slightly faster towards the grave by drinking ever so slightly more than the professional meddlers' completely made-up daily limits.
The number of over-65s admitted to hospital in England has risen by 62% in five years and more pensioners than 16- to 24-year-olds are kept in because of alcohol-related injuries and illnesses. That's probably because very few 16- to 24-year olds are admitted for treatment, which is why we aren't giving you the absolute numbers, but let's just stick to the shock-horror claim.
Statisticians from Sheffield University calculated that if ministers set the minimum unit price at 50p, there would be nearly 50,000 more lonely, miserable pensioners in England 10 years' time...
A spokesman for Alcohol Concern, the charity representing alcohol services, said life-changing events such as retirement or bereavement could prompt older people to finally cast of the strictures imposed by work or a nagging spouse. Although the media often focus on excessive drinking by young people, the problem affects all age groups, it said. While over-65s generally drink less overall than other groups, they are more likely to drink constantly.
"The trouble with problem drinking among older people is that it remains hidden," said Eric Appleby, the group's chief executive. "Most often, it's something that goes on quietly in the home without disturbing anyone. That's why it's so important that professionals who come into contact with older people are well-trained in recognising the signs of problem drinking.
"You could ask why we are sticking our noses in to something which quite clearly isn't a problem for anybody else. But that's just what we do."
Out of control
4 hours ago
'... they are more likely to drink constantly...'
OK, I'll accept the "more likely" qualification, but. Their survey seems to have been of the wealthy, none of my wrinkly associates could afford to do that. And anyway, we have to stop frequently for a piss.
The old saying that a puritan is someone who has "a nagging fear that someone, somewhere, might be having fun" has never been proven more correct than AlCon chasing after pensioners having a quiet drink at home, has it?
"But that's just what we do."
And what we are very well paid to do.
VFTS, "drinking constantly" might mean making a few pints last all day.
DP, "... and then they came for the wrinklies"
AKH, yup. Problem is they decide their own salaries.
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