From Inside Housing:
The vast majority of private sector landlords are ready and willing to snap up currently empty social housing at undervalue and allow the taxpayer to reimburse their costs via Housing Benefit, according to a new survey.
A survey of 114 members of the Residential Landlords Association has revealed that 82 per cent would be prepared to purchase empty social homes if they were put up for sale at large discounts. There are almost 75,000 social homes currently lying empty across England.
Alan Ward, chair of the RLA, said: "With the country facing such a housing supply crisis, it is a national disgrace that so many landlords are seeking access to public funds whilst families across the country struggle to access suitable accommodation and at a price that they can afford. But hey, that's their problem.
"Landlords are chomping at the bit to be able to do what they are good at, namely recycling taxpayers' money, boosting their incomes and playing an important part in sucking wealth out of often deprived and run-down areas. Ministers should urge local authorities and housing associations to ensure all empty properties can be put up for auction to enable Housing Benefit to be collected more quickly."
The RLA suggested that a one-year deadline should be imposed on the local councils to give away empty homes and to turn on the Housing Benefit tap.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
"PRS landlords ready to collect Housing Benefit"
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Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Housing Benefit, Social housing
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