From The Evening Standard:
Mummy porn author EL James has told fans how she hates hearing her work described as "mummy porn". Meeting her British readers for the first time in central London yesterday, the overnight literary sensation said she thought the label "overnight literary sensation" was "lazy".
James, who has sold almost a million paperback copies of her erotic trilogy in just a week, also revealed she has a "favourite toy" - but caused confusion by refusing to divulge whether she was using the word "favourite toy" as a euphemism for "vibrator". Hundreds of voyeurs paid £20 for the chance to question her at the Institution of Engineering and Technology in Savoy Place. They were also able to meet her afterwards and get copies of the e-book signed.
Another Sacrifice To The NHS...
3 hours ago
Many people seem to have bought one of her books so they can tell their friends how awful it is.
AKH, are they? I wouldn't know. I know that the woman on the train next to me was reading a copy, but I don't like her so i didn't ask her if it was any good, and I wouldn't have had the nerve to ask if she likes to paddle the pink canoe while reading it.
I've read a few excerpts and you can get stuff just as good off various sites on the internet for free... I've heard.. from a friend.
Fifty Shades of Grey, Harry Potter mash up? I'd read it.
TS, yes, I keep reading that there's lots of "porn" on the "internet", whatever that is.
BS, according to VIZ magazine, there's a gay porn star called "Harry Botter".
"They were also able to meet her afterwards and get copies of the e-book signed."
Clever trick, unless she's signing somebody's e-reader.
There's an awful lot of Harry Potter porn slashfic on the internet. Or there was five years ago when my girlfriend wrote an article about it; it seems unlikely there's less now.
Is it just me, or does "mummy porn" conjure up something really vile involving dessicated corpses and bandages?
@John B,
Just you. I was thinking more along the lines of MILF.
The latest literary craze to sweep across a cerebrally challenged nation bereft of independent thought.
Still, if calling it 'erotica' makes it more palatable for the fairer sex to indulge in porn, good on 'em.
Suffice it to say the wife hasn't been enticed yet. But, then. we've got an internet connection....
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