Try reading the article with an air of detachment and superiority
The reign of irony also means a lot of comedy that represents itself as edgy, from Ricky Gervais to Sacha Baren-Cohen, is now repetitively dull, reinforcing prejudices rather than challenging them. This is hardly suprising, for how can something be subversive when it is the dominant and overriding language anyway? Satire has few places to go when popular culture pumps out its own ironic defence mechanisms internally.
Camp, no longer the preserve of gays or aesthetes, now belongs to crappy talent and reality shows. No arch commentary can puncture this self-satisfied bubble.(1) Or make it better than it is.
For we are afraid, I think. The legacy of postmodernism is this apolitical vacuousness and aesthetic relativism that does not want to call anything absolutely good or bad, that is scared of taking things too seriously.
We are now so impervious to the slings and arrows of the totes amazeballs fun world that only sad sacks complain. For irony is brilliant in short bursts, thus great on Twitter and Facebook. As David Foster Wallace said, though, irony cannot go the distance. He wrote of "trendy sardonic exhaustion". Yes, I know exactly what that means. Lewis Hyde thought irony should be saved for emergencies and perhaps we are in an emergency now, but again he pointed out the problem with it: "Carried over time, it is the voice of those who come to enjoy their own cage."
What a f-ing load of pretentious self-pitying shite, if truth be told. The article is in fact "so bad it's execrable", to use her own words.
1) Yeah, but what about David Lamb's voiceovers on Come Dine With Me? Or Frankie Boyle's column in The Sun? I always have to laugh at those.
Virtual World
1 minute ago
You are right, it is self-pitying shite.
"The way we are all coerced into enjoying things with an air of detachment and superiority."
No we aren't. She should find something she enjoys and just enjoy it. It isn't difficult even for Guardian freaks - surely.
Enjoyment is sin.
I suspect some people can't bear to be alone with themselves...
I kind of understand that, as I don't want them near me either.
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