From The Guardian
Historian calls on schools to teach English history to aspiring Premier League footballers to make them 'English citizens and English men'
David Starkey has risked fresh criticism for describing footballers engaged in sexually exploiting young girls as "acting within their cultural norms".
Speaking at a conference for private school headteachers in Brighton, the historian said their actions were evidence of "what happens when [a country like Britain] has no sense of common identity". "Nobody ever explained [to these men] that just because they are doing a job which requires a mental age of twelve does not that they should be knobbing under-age girls," Starkey told his audience of more than 100 headteachers.
He called on schools to teach English history to budding footballers so that "they are... first and foremost English citizens and English men" instead of seeing statutory rape as a stepping stone to a career as a football player.
Last year, a gang of six footballers from Reading were jailed for the gang rape of two twelve-year old girls.
Photographing my hole
8 hours ago
Yup dress them up in Knights Armour send them off on a trusty steed to bring morality to the heathens, what could possibly go wrong?
@ Sean
We actaully do pretty much that in Scotland, making armour out of cereal packets and re-fighting stirling bridge and bannockburn are pretty much the primary school curriculum.
I don't understand (don't have any great objection just it seems odd when so many english speaking nations go to such lengths) why you seem to shy away from battering a cultural identity into people in England, I always had the vague notion that it was either because it's hard to separate English and British or because your teachers don't like the idea of teaching "battering the fcuk out of spain and france and the danes and later on indians and chinese turned out to be a winner for England and ultimately the UK"
Mind you it's easier to make armour nowadays. We used to have to make our own cereal packets first.
S, I'm baffled? What does that have to do with footballers? As to Knights in Shining, we don't need to bother any more, the Yanks have developed a clever app for that.
SK, that sounds like fun. Do you also restage the battles where the English kicked your arses?
D, out of what?
Rocks gathered from the snow-covered fields, pounded to dust and mixed with egg whites. How we used to dread history re-enactment days at school.
There was loads more knobbing of underage girls in English History than there is now. Also there are around a thousand Premiership and Championship players, many in their early twenties and most earning over £250k a year and having girls throw themselves at them. Not surprising that there is some very bad behaviour. On the other hand, many players donate a lot of time and effort to charitable work. Maybe their clubs have to order some of them to, but surely that's no bad thing?
D, that's harsh.
JB, yes, that's all perfectly true, but Starkey was talking about more recent history, the last eighty years or so. And there is a difference between wannabe WAGs throwing themselves at soccer players (fair enough, it's a free world) and soccer players raping young girls. You can google "footballer" and "rape", "GBH" or "drink driving" etc. and you get loads of hits. They are the pinnacle of loutish behaviour (I suspect, in absolute terms, probably as bad as said gangs of roving Pakistani men).
Does the MSM do it's best not to cover footballers raping underage girls in gangs though?
I suppose that at least Muslim Pakistani / Afghan males can claim to be following an Exalted Example when it comes to very young girls and the knobbing thereof. Not much of an excuse, but it might be argued that it goes to cultural norms and acceptance.
One hopes that the Exalted Example was more resourceful than relying on fast food and alcohol.
SB, nope.
FT, exactly. And these "men of Asian origin" picked exclusively on non-Asian girls (I think mainly white? any black victims?), so of course the whole thing was 100% racially or culturally motivated.
Frankly I can't see what the attraction is to young girls.
Give me a sophisticated MILF any day.
Apparently there's another bunch of Rochdale non-footballers.
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