Expect much gushing to follow, now that Whitney Houston has died. She was really very pretty and probably a nice person and everything, but musically?
I bought her Greatest Hits double-CD, and to be honest there's only one song on there which is listenable, and that's this one, which is admittedly brilliant. Listen out for al the random noises in the background - whistling, muttering, plucking a single guitar string etc:
Like a blue-bottle
31 minutes ago
That one's OK. I still like "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" after all these years.
I remember as an adolescent admiring the swimsuit photo on the back of her debut album that doesn't leave much to the imagination...
I still like I'm Your Baby Tonight.
In many ways her voice was wasted on the early stuff that was produced by Narada Michael Walden who had this bland electronic soul/funk sound that sold well but really hasn't stood the test of time (it's the same sound as the Aretha Franklin/George Michael duet). The later albums are better.
"probably a nice person": you're a bit heavy on the sarcasm today, Wadders.
TM, that one's got a chunky gear change at 3 min 18, I'll post it Friday.
TS, I prefer the Bob Dylan song.
D, why sarcasm? To my knowledge she never shop lifted, drove while drunk, evaded taxes etc.
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