Tyrol 9 January: Statt in einem Stall auf seine Versteigerung zu warten, sprang das Tier aus dem Fenster. Auf der Flucht verletzte er einen Osttiroler, der ihn einfangen wollte...
A bull at an auction escaped by jumping out of the window (yes, that's what it says). The bull injured himself and badly damaged the window (I'm not making this up). He injured a 47-year old who was trying to recapture him and stayed on the run for two hours before he was finally caught and taken back to the auctioneer.
Styria, Austria (not to be confused with Syria) 13 January: GRAZ. Einen Feuerwehrmann verletzt und ein Polizeiauto beschädigt hat ein 700 Kilogramm schwerer entlaufener Stier am Freitag. Der Stier war in Schönau (Bezirk Hartberg) aus einem Stall entlaufen und entlang der L406 in Richtung Pöllau gerannt.
A 700-kilo bull escaped and set off down the L406 highway. The police and fire brigade set off in hot pursuit. The bull charged two firemen who were trying to corner him, injuring a 60-year old fireman and damaging their vehicle.
The road had to be closed and a hunter was called to shoot the bull.
Lucerne 14 January: SURSEE LU – Kurz bevor sie dem Schlachthof übergeben worden wären, brannten fünf Munis durch. Auf ihrer Flucht überrannten sie eine Frau (86) und beschädigten Autos. Fünf Munis wurden am Freitag um 13.15 Uhr an der Zeughausstrasse in Sursee ausgeladen...
Five bulls were being delivered to the slaughterhouse but managed to break through a barrier and escape. Two were caught. On of the others trampled an 86-year old woman who had to be taken to hospital and the remaining two damaged several cars.
The police shot two of the bulls dead but the fifth has not been seen since.
Bavaria 14 January: Mühldorf am Inn - Eine losgerissene Kuh hat einen Landwirt schwer verletzt. Der junge Mann war beim Entladen der Kuh gestürzt und von ihr überrannt worden. Er wurde mit lebensbedrohlichen Verletzungen in ein Krankenhaus eingeliefert.
A 24-year old slipped and fell when the cow he was trying to unload from a trailer broke loose. The cow trampled over him and the man was taken to hospital with life threatening injuries.
Salzburg 15 January: Eine 31-jährige Landwirtin aus Zell am Moos (Bzk. Vöcklabruck) führte am Sonntag gegen 06.00 Uhr in ihrem landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb Stallarbeiten durch [und wurde] von einer Kuh tödlich verletzt.
A cow crushed a 31-year old farmer to death by squashing her against the wall or against the drinking trough. Her mother later found her dead at the scene.
Switzerland 19 January: Er wollte nur zum Rechten sehen nach dem Gewitter. Dabei hats Hansjörg Jenny bös erwischt. Neun Rippen sind gebrochen, die Lunge gequetscht und das Brustbein angebrochen. Seit einer Woche liegt Hansjörg Jenny (68) aus Leuggelbach GL nun schon auf der Intensivstation des Universitätsspitals Zürich...
A farmer asked his 68-year old neighbour to check on his cows up on the meadow during a thunderstorm. He drove up the mountain with his faithful dog in the back. The meadow was full of cows with their calves. All of a sudden, he was knocked over from behind and saw a cow looming over him. A further fifteen cows took turns trampling him, but he managed to drag himself out of the field.
The dog did like Lassie and ran to the nearest neighbour and barked and pestered until somebody accompanied her back to the field, where they found the 68-year old badly injured and covered in blood. He was taken to hospital by helicopter, where he is being treated for nine broken ribs and a crushed lung.
Switzerland 20 January: Moosseedorf/BE. In der Nacht auf Freitag ist auf der A6 in Moosseedorf ein Auto mit einer Kuh kollidiert. Der Lenker wurde dabei verletzt – das Tier starb.
A cow escaped from a farm, roamed free for a day or two until it tried to cross a motorway where she was struck and killed by a car. The driver was injured and taken to hospital.
Rhineland 23 January: Aufregung in Morbach: Dort hat sich am Montagmorgen ein Stier auf dem Weg zum Metzger losgerissen und ist durch das Ortszentrum der Hunsrückgemeinde gelaufen. Ein Jäger brachte das Tier schließlich zur Strecke...
A 300-kilo bull escaped on the way to the slaughterhouse and ran amok in the town. Policemen shot and injured him and a hunter finished him off. The farmer who was transporting the bull was injured (the report doesn't say whether the bull injured him or whether the police shot him as well).
Turnips on the menu
4 hours ago
Well Mark, I had some most excellent roast beef for lunch today so the resistance has started!
NickM, you'd think so, but China and Russia will probably veto it.
I simply cannot see what it is about this that you find amusing.
VB, and I simply cannot see what it is about this that you don't find terrifying.
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