Saturday, 31 December 2011

Killer Arguments Against LVT, Not (188)

For my penultimate post of 2011, I will hand over to Fraggle, who spent a lot of time and effort earlier this year dismantling all the arguments which Murray Rothbard advanced against LVT and/or Georgism decades ago.

Rothbard's counter-arguments are themselves completely irrelevant to anything, but for some unknown reason, The Faux Libertarians take Murray's Word As Gospel and recite it to this day (clearly without having ever given any of it a further moment's critical thought). So next time a Faux Lib's tries to throw it in your face, you might be able to save yourself a bit of thinking time by using Fraggle's counter-counter-arguments.

Some of Fraggle's posts are still work under construction, hopefully he'll get round to polishing them off, but here are the links anyway:

Land - Abundance and the landlord's function
Rent and the effect of LVT
Who benefits from economic progress?
The Morality of LVT
Loose ends

To save to-ing and fro-ing, I've disabled comments to this post, please leave comments over at Fraggle's if you have any.