Headline in DT:
European Union debt crisis: Britain must help rescue eurozone, say Germans
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It strikes me that this is third time in 100 years that we have been asked to rescue Europe from the failure of the German political class and leadership. On the previous two occasionas it cost us (and the Commonwealth) blood and treasure. This time, so far, it has just cost us treasure.
Having lost twice just what part of fuck off do they not understand?
(BTW I do not believe for one moment that that Merkel's view reflects the views of the majority of the German people).
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Here we go again...
My latest blogpost: Here we go again...Tweet this!
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Do you think Angela will try to avoid an election? She's not all that popular at home, I gather.
If the German people want to register their disgust with the EU it's not like they have anywhere to go. SPD, CDU and FDP are all for it. You'd have to go to the extreme fringes, like Die Linke or Die Republikaner.
Two World Wars and One World Cup
WOAR, support for CDU is quite low, but as RA says, people are mainly voting SPD or Green instead, who are much more in favour of the EU, integration, bail outs and so on. I was there on holiday recently, that is the mood, even though most people care about it less than you'd expect, EU-scepticism is roughly at the same level as it is here.
JM, chalk up three world cups to Germany/West Germany. And they achieved a very respectable second palce in /after WW2.
"Germany is dominating Europe"
Political Puppetry in the Eurozone:
MW. Au contraire. Germany distant second in WW2, but much closer finish in WW1. As to 'winning the peace', looks to me like their latent mercantilism is coming home to roost....
Actually thinking about it, what defeated Germany in ww2 was the ability of of the Allies to project power anywhere around Hitler's 'fortress europe' littoral. Hitler - or perhaps Germany as a whole - was always a continental power. It was never very good at taking on a determined country accross the sea. Admittedly it succeeded in Crete with its airborne assault, but Hitler was so appalled by the losses and worried about how he could re-inforce them he never used his paratroops as paratroops again. Whereas the Allies - by which I mean the UK and the US - developed highly mobile forces and constructed navies capable of delivering serious violence just about anywhere they liked. We turned Fortress Europe into a prison.
Maybe Germany still thinks continentally? In fact it seems to me that most European countries look inward or eastwards as opposed to Westwards and outwards.
@Lola, and good anonlogy. The EUfanatics are projecting when they accuse the Euro-realists of Little-Brittain, it's those in favour of the EUSSR that want to lock it away from a world they think they cannot compete with.
Juche has never ever worked.
It's not the Germans we should be worried about. They know and understand the meaning of "fuck off" and are only too aware that in 1914 and 1939 (well, maybe 1940) we meant what we said. The people we should worry about are those ostensibly on our side who would be deputed to tell the Germans to do that very thing.
Imagine, if you can, the FCO developing a briefing paper (let alone a policy document) to help our present Foreign Secretary to tell the Germans (and the rest of our European partners) to get stuffed. All FCO policies since the 50s have been predicated on the master policy to enter the Common Market and achieve the aim of the founders of the project from there. It's like asking Rowan Williams to write the business plan for Goldman Sachs.
Forget about the FCO and the present Foreign Secretary (who has been virtually stumm for months), not one person in the present administration (or the last one for that matter) contemplates under any circumstances a fundamental change in our relationship to the EU, let alone a withdrawal. The political class has spoken and that's it!
Only 5 days ago, Heseltine - an ur-member of the political class - announced that, notwithstanding the incipient collapse of the euro, we should dump the pound and adopt the euro. That's who is representing us in Europe. The negotiating stance of these dildos can be summed up as the answer's "yes" now what's the question.
The Telegraph's euroskeptics' increasing wankfest at the eurozone crisis is more annoying than anything. Thin on facts, full of I Told You So sentiment.
Articles are seemingly written to aim for maximum tweet or comment count rather than anything else; the facts or any meaningful analysis are increasingly irrevelant.
Super sam:
Try this: http://playpolitical.typepad.com/uk_conservative/2011/11/watch-were-being-sent-the-bill-to-prop-up-the-uro-says-danhannanmep.html
And this:
It's not just the DT, is it?
Well, perhaps Germany can just lose a bit of sovereignty if we don't come to the party.
I wonder what drives the federalists. Is it a simple lust for power - why stick at being the president of a country when you could have a chance of being the President of the United States of Europe? Is it idealism - keeping your gaze firmly fixed on the gains to be made by federation, whilst ignoring the loss of democracy and increase in bureaucracy? Is it those very bureacrats seeking an ever wider and less accountable remit? Or is it simple greed - I'll support the USE project now and I'll get a nice, well paid virtual sinecure from them in the future?
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