From The Independent:
Hat tip GC at HPC
Trust the Science
2 hours ago
From The Independent:
Hat tip GC at HPC
My latest blogpost: Government Sachs - EU editionTweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Banking, Corruption, EU, Goldman Sachs, Home-Owner-Ism
Yep, I thought this was great read. Certainly a conspiracist's bonanza but all in all a thoroughly depressing indictment on the current state of democracy.
Bad enough. But it's even worse than the article makes out. The Goldman Project is a global project. You'll find them doing exactly the same thing with governments around the world. Canada (central banker) and Nigeria (finance minister) to name but two more. Forget the USE or the NWO, this is what a real conspiracy looks like.
QP, I don't do conspiracy theories, either these people are in the pay of GS or they aren't. And they probably are.
D, put the USA at the top of that list. All these robber barons are the same, there is a huge overlap between bankers, politicians, land owners, quangocrats etc.
This manifests itself as Home-Owner-Ism in the UK or USA (sucker people in to high house prices so that bankers etc can cream off at the top). In the EU it manifests itself as massive theft of taxpayers' money to prop up politicians in poorer countries or the simple imposition of 'technocrats' on e.g. Greece, Italy, but if you follow the money it all ends up in the same hands.
In China it is the ex-Communist Party people who have enslaved the rest (with their own land price bubble for good measure) and in Australia, there's one incredibly rich woman who 'owns' the mineral extraction rights and can topple governments.
And so on.
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