Friday 14 October 2011

The Wisdom Of Crowds [Liam Fox edition]

Ho hum, Liam Fox has [been] resigned, so I've pulled this week's Fun Online Poll.

As at five minutes ago, opinion was as follows:

Will Liam Fox still be Defence Secretary next Monday?

Yes - 57%
No - 37%
Other, please specify - 6%

So we, collectively, called that one wrong (I voted 'no' as it happens).


Sean said...

with all the rain, maybe he went down a sinkhole, there seems to be a lot about and a lot more interesting to tell you the truth.

banned said...

Will this mean that the Telegraph will stop filling its pages with this none-story come Monday?

Mark Wadsworth said...

S, ta, I have posted.

B, I dunno. I used to read the DT years ago, but it's just poisonous shit, really, so I stopped.