The Daily Express sends a reporter to pitch a tent outside the Robin Smith Institute.
Forbidden Bible Verses — Exodus 27:1-8
2 hours ago
The Daily Express sends a reporter to pitch a tent outside the Robin Smith Institute.
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Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
Labels: Land values
Obviously another person who thinks that Adam Smith and David Ricardo (amongst other famous enemies of Marxists) were Anti-Capitalists.
All I could do after that was try to stay warm in the tent and wait for Mr Smith to return from a hard day’s protesting.
Surely the next step is to occupy Matt Wilkinson's front garden?
Indeed, we could all just swap front gardens....job done!
He needs to plaster the walls with posters of crude socialist slogans.
Great MW can get round there and subject this intruder to crude (or subtle ) anti Homeownerist abuse, the Express being bent on the destruction of the British way of life by encouraging runaway house-price inflation.
That done, he can take over his tent and celebrate with a quiet cigarette or five.
The Express and Mail have done more lasting damage to the country than ever Arther Scargill and the Trots did ,who strove to keep industry going.
I'm delighted. The media nearly get it now. I'll be putting on a brew for the good fellow next time home.
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