Thanks to all who took part in last week's Fun Online Poll, results as follows:
George Osborne's 'credit easing' is aimed at helping...
Commercial banks - 58%
Other, please specify - 34%
Small and medium sized businesses - 8%
There were some very good suggestions for "Other" including:
Hollando: Helping the Tory's getting elected in a few years' time.
Barnacle Bill: Gideon's only making sure he gets that directorship(s) when he leaves office.
Neil Craig: The Tory Party. In the words of Sir Humphrey not trying to do something or even looking like they are trying to do something but trying to look like they are trying to look like they are trying to do something to get out of recession.
Jer: It's just to shoot Ed Ball's fox "the government is doing nothing".
Anti-Citizen-One: Bondholders.
View From The Solent: Other - himself and Camoron
Pogo: I doubt that it will help anyone other than the Tory party with its image problem - and that probably only marginally.
Edward: The policy is aimed at helping the Tory party, as with all political policies.
Bayard: ... it looks like George is firstly finding a way to offer soft loans to his mates in industry and secondly, trying to grab a slice of the banks' action for the Treasury.
J: It won't help anyone - except civil servants assigned to administer this scheme.
Ho-hum, pretty universal condemnation there, methinks.
This week's Fun Online Poll, inevitably: "Will Liam Fox still be Defence Secretary next Monday?"
Vote here or use the widget in the sidebar. I'll have to close it sharpish if he actually has (or is) resigned by then.
Labour looking in all the wrong places
6 hours ago
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