I attach the contents of a rather bizarre email exchange:
Somebody I wouldn't know from Adam Eve emailed me yesterday: Hi my name is Teresa I bought a silver tea pot I was wondering if it might be real? It has a W with a V on top of the W with what looks like an olive leave on top of the V its a branch with three leaves on it. It has some numbers but I don"t have it in my hands at the moment. Do you have any idea what the sybole is? I have been on the web for hours looking for the markings, but I have no idea what I am doing can you help me?
Me: Trying pouring water into it. If the water goes straight onto your leg, it is a "virtual" teapot, generated by 3D projectors. If the water stays in, the chances are the teapot is "real". You can also try tapping it with a spoon, if it makes a noise it's probably "real", and so on.
Teresa: what is the mark that is on it? The legs are attached! Cigeret ashes polish it as well doese that mean anthing? If it is real do you have an idea of how much it might be worth? The handle is broken off. I don't have the handel.
Me: If you can still see the stumps of the broken off handle, then try sanding them flat and pretend that the teapot never had a handle in the first place. The good news is, if cigarette ash polishes it, then at least you can enjoy a cigarette while you are working without a guilty conscience.
Teresa: I was just wondering if it was worth anything? Sorry if Im bothering you! I bought it at a garage sale I paid a whooping .25 cents for it and saw the markings on it. I have been looking for days on the internet for the markings. I don't know anything about this kind of thing. I am sorry if I am bugging you. The legs are seppert they are welded on the pot. Beside the mark is the letters ACE under that is eather a O or a D not sure doese that help?
Me: If you bought it at a garage and it has the V and W insignia, it might well be a Volkswagen. Have a look where the engine is. If it's at the back it's probably a Beetle and if it's at the front it's probably a Golf or a Passat. The letters are probably the registration plate. Is there one at the front and one at the back?
If anybody has any better ideas, please email Teresa Deloney directly.
UPDATE: just received: To the left of the mark toward the front of the pot is a V it is barrelly visible. To the left under the word ACE is the O it is towward the back. That is the only markings I see. I live in a small town called N.... and I am on dial up for internet I am verry sorry Im just a county girl and I really don't know a hole lot. You are very funny.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Teapot Tomfoolery
My latest blogpost: Teapot TomfooleryTweet this!
Posted by
Mark Wadsworth
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Wadsworth Steele Auctions, Washington, USA.
But even then, she is a bit mad as they specialise in houses.
Aren't Golfs called Rabbits in the US?
Poor woman's probably even more confused now.
I've had stuff like this before... some people just shouldn't be allowed on the internet without a minder.
And mostly they've been Americans.
and I really don't know a hole lot
Mike, B, I passed your comments on to her.
a) don't say "should" and
b) that's the joy of the internet, that everybody can get in touch with anybody. It is up to the contactee to respond with dignity (in which I failed miserably).
JH, and she is just a 'county girl', so try being a bit nice.
"she is just a 'county girl"
Obviously 'county girl' means something different over there.
If I had a teapot and wanted to find out if it was silver, I'd google "silver hallmarks" and see if it had one, then I'd look to see if any areas were a slightly different colour, indicating it was electroplated, then I'd smear egg yolk on it and see if it went black (and if there were different colour areas, whether they didn't).
B: "she is just a county girl"
Missing out the "r" is quite charming; missing out the "o" as well would have been really embarrassing.
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