... says The Mirror.
But according to The Metro, it already happened a couple of days ago:
"The satellite is the biggest Nasa craft to fall to Earth since Skylab in 1979." continues The Mirror breathlessly (same link as above).
According to the BBC, a similar incident happened two years ago:According to The Evening Standard, there was another three years ago:
And according to The Daily Mail, there was another one six months before that:
Buses... the new cows?
So Called Auditors
44 minutes ago
Your're assuming the bridges are entirely innocent here - bystanders in fact.
But people are beginning to fight back.
AKH, I'm not assuming anything. We can't rule out that the bridge lowers itself, or indeed that pranksters attach signs saying 14'6" when in fact the clearance is only 12'6" or something. Thus, presumably, tempting a bus driver to take a completely different route, which is when these accidents happen.
AC, a less radical option would be to stay on the lower deck.
I think there's a proper name for that kind of transposition, but I can't recall it. Can anyone help?
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