There is an uncanny likeness between Mervyn and, of all people, Richard Murphy - Tim Worstall's favourite resident of Wandsworth. OTOH Mervyn was one of the 364 "economists" and, AFAIAA, he has never resiled from the opinions stated therein. So maybe the resemblance is more than visual.
Brilliant. The best yet. The eyes and mouth are superb - I'm laughing at the guy as I write.
Agree with AK Haart. Also, I would say "the ONLY reason we have inflation"
AKH, SO, thanks. Some days a drawing just comes out really nicely.
Anon, Yes, very much so, apart from the hair.
So good we borrowed it!
UBW, glad you liked it! By the way, QE is not inherently inflationary, separate topic.
Can you get it screen printed onto a UKIP dartboard?
I didn't but the Herman tea towel, but it you can get that on a dartboard I'll bloody join UKIP!
SL, it's blog art. Just print one off and stick it to your dart board.
There is an uncanny likeness between Mervyn and, of all people, Richard Murphy - Tim Worstall's favourite resident of Wandsworth. OTOH Mervyn was one of the 364 "economists" and, AFAIAA, he has never resiled from the opinions stated therein. So maybe the resemblance is more than visual.
U, woo hoo! Comments are getting through again!
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