On a low-ish turnout, the results of last week's Fun Online Poll were as follows:
Who'll be the next manager of West Ham?
Chris Hughton - 12%
Steve McLaren - 4%
Sam Allardyce - 4%
Martin O'Neill - 3%
Neil Warnock - 1%
Gus Poyet - 1%
Other, please specify - 3%
I've never heard of any of these people - 71%
The 71% 'don't knows' cheered me up no end, so let's see whether Mr Hughton actually gets the job.
On an even lighter note, there are currently two stuffed toy vying for the consumer's attention, the Bird's Eye Bear and the PG-Tips Monkey, see examples:Which one do you think is cooler?
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As Feral As Their Mutts
4 minutes ago
The monkey is too much like Flat Eric.
He was advertising Levi Sat-press. Probably the worst selling Levis jeans ever.
But plenty of people wanted to buy the 'free Eric' that came with the jeans.
In the end we sold the puppet and chucked away the jeans.
BQ, good point. I had assumed that the monkey was based on the one that used to advertise those digital TV boxes with Chris Tarrant back in the 1990s.
The ITV Digital adverts featured Munkeh and Johnny Vegas.
When ITV Digital collapsed, the administrators gained a warehouse-full of Munkehs. They found their way onto the market, and I've seen them change hands on Ebay for up to £110.
More were made for Comic Relief about 2002-2003, and then PG Tips took up the characters about 3-4 years ago. The first PG Tips advert refers back to the digital TV business.
CJN, ta for excellent background info. So Munkeh is not just based on, but is exactly the same as, the ITV digital one.
Yes indeed, the very same.
In the first PG Tips advert, Munkeh says "When that TV thing went belly up I just wanted to run".
Far more info than anyone could need here:
and here
Hard to choose between the two. Munkeh is funny but the bear has a sinister creepy edge which is rather compelling.
Anyway while we are pondering this the cows are taking over
Mrs E, my daughter and I vastly prefer the sinister bear. Thanks for cow story, I'll post later.
It's Willem Dafoe. Yeah, the guy who specialises in playing unhinged bad guys.
If he was hiding in my fridge, I'd hide the big knives.
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